Law Compendium

Law compendium

Laws Related to Investment and Business
Laws Related to Taxes
Laws related to Free Zones
Laws related to Business Registration
Laws related to Employment
  • Labour Law of FBiH (Official Gazette of FBiH No. 26/16, 89/18, 44/22)
  • Labour Law of RS (Official Gazette of RS No. 1/16, 66/18 and 119/21)
  • Law on foreigners of BiH (Official Gazette od BiH No. 88/15, 34/21, 63/23) The number 63/23 is not available in English.
Testimonials & Success Stories

„Stable KM and low inflation are important elements for macroeconomic stability and for continues increase of foreign investments in the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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