FIPA Activities

Visit to the company BOSNIAKOP Ltd. Usora


Within the Aftercare Program, representatives of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) and the Municipality of Usora visited on 28 June 2016 the Italian company BOSNIAKOP Ltd. Usora.

The company was founded in 2012 and has been producing covers for we seats that are made of plywood and polyester resin. They are export-oriented and export their products at the Italian market. They currently we employ 25 workers and have a tendency of further growth in line with the growth in demand for their products.

The meeting was also focused on business conditions in BiH, on how to improve them, as well as the future plans of the company.

The Company Director Mr Zanini Ansano estimates that BiH has a favourable geographical position, qualified and available labour force, low tax rates and less legal regulations compared to the EU, which represents advantages for investments.  Positive experiences of the existing Italian business in BiH also affected his decision to start production in the Municipality of Usora.


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„There is great interest for investment in infrastructure and energy projects in BiH“
Alessandro Profumo, Director of UniCredit Group.
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