FIPA Activities

Italian investors are interested in opening a factory of paints and varnishes in BiH


The Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordan Milinić talked with representatives of the Italian company Bottosso Frighetto e Vernici about plans for opening of a paint factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The company which belongs to the category of medium-sized companies, is engaged in the production and sale of a wide range of high-quality paints and varnishes that sell to the Italian, Slovenian and Russian market. From BiH they plan to cover the markets of all countries of the former Yugoslavia, and they are preparing opening of warehouse and sales facility in Trn, near Laktaši and around Sarajevo.

FIPA will provide investor with all the necessary assistance on the path towards the realization of the investment.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„The banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely developed and offers the full range of banking services. In conjunction with the Central Bank of BiH, this creates a sound base for the financial stability of the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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