FIPA Activities

The Ambassador of the Netherlands in BiH visited FIPA


The Ambassador of the Netherlands in BiH, HE Jurriaan Kraak visited the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) and talked with the Director Gordan Milinić and his associates about the possibilities of improving economic cooperation between the two countries and attracting Dutch investors in BiH.

The Director Milinić pointed out that the Netherlands is at 8th pplace of countries of foreign investors in Bosnia and Herzegovina with 235 million EUR invested so far, that this amount could be higher and that the FIPA together with other relevant authorities in BiH will work on improving the business environment with the aim to attract new investments, including the Dutch investments.

Among the major Dutch investors in BiH are Marbo Ltd.,Top-Farm Ltd., Tropic Ltd., Euromedic Cancer Treatment Center, etc.

The Dutch firm "Napco Beds Factory Ltd. Petrovo", was selected as the most important foreign investor for 2013 in the category of "Job creation".

At the meeting, it was agreed that FIPA prepare a presentation on the BH agricultural sector, which will be distributed by the Embassy to the Chamber of Commerce of the Netherlands for further forwarding to the target groups, companies of potential investors.

The Director Milinić invited the Ambassador to direct potential investors to the Agency, which is ready to provide full support to the implementation of investment, starting from the business registration to the completion of the project.



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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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