FIPA Activities

Visit to the company Natural Food Ltd. Vitez


The FIPA representative Tanja Bojović-Simić together with Armin Varupa from the Municipality of Vitez and Elmir Crnica of Central Bosnia Canton visited Natural Food Ltd. Vitez and met with the Director Goran Papić.

The company is dealing in purchasing and production of berries, mainly raspberries. In Bosnia and Herzegovina they have been present since 2014 and have 32 permanent employees. They also have 17 workers employed in the cold storage located in Željezno polje in the Municipality of Žepče.

A Swedish citizen owns 55% of the company, while the rest is owned by citizens of BiH.

The investor is satisfied with the business results in BiH, and in the next year, he plans to reinvest and to hire new workers. A reinvestment would relate to the work and the plantation preparation and the most modern nursery with modern irrigation system.

During the season Natural Food companies double the number of workers.

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„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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