FIPA Activities

FIPA visit to the company Valvoson Ltd. Busovača


Within the Aftercare program, the representative of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordana Radović visited on 8 Decembre 2015 Valvoson Ltd. in the Municipality of Busovača.

The main activity of the company is wholesale and retail of motor oils, lubricants and tires at the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was founded in 1997 and currently employs five workers.

The Director Mr. Branislav Vujica presented the current activities, as well as future activities. The meeting was also focused on the business environment in BiH, on the general problems faced by entrepreneurs, as well as on how to improve the business climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim to attract foreign investment and to motivate existing investors to reinvest.

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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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