FIPA Activities

Representative of the FIPA Agency attended a meeting of businessmen of Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina


The Representative of the FIPA Agency Tanja Bojović-Simić attended the meeting of 60 businessmen of Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina on 22 October 2015 in Sarajevo.

Suppression of the visa regime for Kosovo citizens in BiH and vice versa was the main topic of the meeting.

At the meeting which is part of the regional initiative for open talks (Open Talks Initiative - OTI) all attendees agreed that the freedom of movement of people, goods and smooth transport would increase foreign trade and enhance bilateral cooperation.

On this occasion, four panels were held and FIPA took an active part in the first panel "The situation in the business" emphasizing the situation in the field of investments between BiH and Kosovo and the activities carried out in order to attract potential investors and to support existing ones.

B2B meetings of businessmen were held after the panels.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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