FIPA Activities

The Most Important Foreign Investors in B&H in 2014 Selection Event


The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) organized on 1 June 2015 in Sarajevo the traditional event of selection of the most significant investors in BiH for 2014.

Considering importance of foreign investments for economic development of the country, decrease of unemployment and foreign trade deficit, introduction of new technologies and managerial skills and for improving the competitiveness of the BiH economy, the FIPA Agency has recognised the importance of organizing such event in order to emphasize the companies whose investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina were the most important in the previous year.

This year awards were handed in four categories:

-the most important “greenfield” investment

-the most important investment realized through privatisation/acquisition

-the most important investment which contributes to opening the biggest number of working places

-the most important investment through joint venture

The company „Comsar Energy Group Banja Luka/Comsar Energy Group Limited, Cyprus““was the most important investor in the “Greenfield” category.

The company “ GS – Tvornica mašina Travnik / Global sourcing GmbH, Germany ” was chosen as the most successful investor in the category of “Acquisition/Privatisation.

In the category of “Opening the biggest number of working places” was selected “ Swisslion d.o.o. Trebinje / Rodoljub Drašković, Serbia ”, while the company “ Zinkteknik Bosnia doo Mostar ” was the most important investor in the category of “Joint venture”.

The event gathered large number of representatives of institutions, international organizations, embassies, business community and media in BiH.

Testimonials & Success Stories
„There is great interest for investment in infrastructure and energy projects in BiH“
Alessandro Profumo, Director of UniCredit Group.
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