FIPA Activities

Round table „Proposals and Measures to Improve the Business Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina"


The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) organized on 9 December 2014 in Sarajevo a round table on the topic: "Proposals and Measures to Improve the Business Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina" with the aim to present the identified administrative barriers that hinder the significant inflow of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the way for resolving problems.

In direct contact with foreign investors running business in the country and talking about the local business environment, among problems faced, investors stand out: complicated and lengthy customs procedures, lack of support for exporters, the lack of transparency of incentives and subsidies, labour legislation, as well as the general lack of harmonization of legal regulations at all levels of government, the absence of the introduction of the one-stop shop system in FBiH, the lack of electronic signatures and other.

Economic trends at the world and European markets directly reflect on the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including foreign investments. However, despite these impacts, the image of the investment location has a significant role in attracting foreign investment.

Taking into account all of the above and guided by a common need to increase foreign investment, creating market investment policy, creating a favourable, stable, predictable, non-discriminatory and stimulating business environment in the country, the roundtable participants agreed on the following:

-Foreign and domestic investments are crucial for economic development of a country, given that they affect job creation, technology transfer and knowledge, increase productivity and competitiveness of a country.

-Roundtable participants are firmly committed to continue with the started reforms, and to take additional action to strengthen the capacity in order to re solve the identified problems.

-For a successful program to attract foreign investment is necessary to ensure the smooth running of the companies’ activities. Prerequisites for the arrival of foreign investors are predictable and favourable business environment, procedures and tax that don't burden, the administration in the service of the economy, macroeconomic stability and investment security.

-It is necessary to strengthen communication with existing investors and to assist companies to identify further opportunities for expansion and new investments.

-Support of the local authorities as well as all other levels of government is also a very important factor influencing investment decisions. It is necessary to have a permanent communication between representatives of the competent institutions and foreign investors and the most useful suggestions for improving the business environment can be provided just by investors who do business here.

The conclusions will be communicated to the competent institution.

Speakers at the roundtable on measures to improve the business environment in BiH were Jelica Grujic, director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BIH (FIPA), Tarik Šahović, representative of International Finance Corporation (IFC), Dragiša Mekić, minister assistant of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slobodanka Dubravac , minister assistant of the Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of RS, Nedžad Dervišič, head of the Department for IT Development of Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH, Jozo Bejić, president of the Regional Network for Favourable Business Environment in SEE and the Network for Local Economic Development of BiH, Erna Sulejmanović from the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Development of Tuzla Canton, Bojana Škrobić-Omerović, executive director of Foreign Investor Council in BiH and Dragana Đilas from the Shoe Factory “BEMA” from Banja Luka.

Testimonials & Success Stories
„There are many reasons why investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attractive option for foreign companies. I believe it should be that investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a clever way of investing in Southeast Europe.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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