FIPA Activities

Representatives of Foreign Investment Promotion Agency visited Kiseljak municipality


On Thursday the of May, representatives of Foreign Investment Promotion Agency visited Kiseljak municipality and held the meeting with the Mayer Mladen Mišurić Ramljak and his executive Marinko Komšić. During the meeting it was discussed about the investment potentials of the municipality Kiseljak, successful foreign investors as well as about the local community relations towards investors. IFC Project and partner network was fully presented to them together with the taken activities so far and cooperation results since 2013 (year when the project has begun). It was agreed that Municipality Kiseljak is going to become an IFC network partner and participate in all future activities related to the Aftercare program.

After that, there was a meeting in a Transport Beton Company d.o.o., together with the municipality representatives, company registered 1998 with the main activity of exploitation and stone processing, its manufacturing and transport. Company employs 50 employees and presents a successful example of the foreign investment for the area of Kiseljak. Another visited company is W&P Milos Kamen-Beton d.o.o. – Austrian investment. Company employs 77 persons and main occupation is exploitation and stone processing. This company is registered 2011 in Bosnia and Herzegovina giving positive example to the other foreign investors ready to invest their money in B&H.
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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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