FIPA Activities

FIPA presentation at the International Tourism Days-Sarajevo 2014


The FIPA representatives Nina Pobrić and Dika Mustafić had a presentation on investment possibilities in tourism sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina and legal framework for foreign investors, within the International Tourism Days-Sarajevo 2014, held on 8th May 2014 in Sarajevo.

Exhibitors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bahrain, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, Italy, Kuwait, Bulgaria and many other countries take part at International days of tourism-Sarajevo 2014.

According to the World Tourism Organization, Bosnia and Herzegovina is defined as one of only three tourism destinations in the world with overall tourism market growth potential in excess of 10% annually through 2020. Bosnia has been awarded the leisure destination in the outside world by the National Geographic.

World Economic Forum has published the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report for 2013 and Bosnia and Herzegovina's Attitude of population toward foreign visitors Competitiveness Index for 2013 is 6.6, which gives the country a rank of 8 out of 140 countries with comparable data. Also, Bosnia and Herzegovina's Quality of the natural environment Competitiveness Index for 2013 is 5.5, which gives the country a rank of 20 out of 140 countries.

Testimonials & Success Stories
„There are many reasons why investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attractive option for foreign companies. I believe it should be that investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a clever way of investing in Southeast Europe.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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