FIPA Activities

FIPA representative participated at the General Assembly of Confindustria in B&H


The Head of the Investment Promotion Department at the FIPA Agency Nina Pobric participated at the General Assembly of Confindustria in BiH on 2th April 2014 in Sarajevo.

Confindustria is the Italian Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina established in 2011 with the aim to link the Italian and BH businessmen in order to enhance business cooperation.

The aim of the Association is also to establish contacts between existing Italian entrepreneurs who are already present in BiH, but also to promote the BiH investment possibilities to Italian businesspeople.

More information about Confindustria BiH you can find at the link below

Confindustria Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cekalusa 39, 71000 Sarajevo BiH

Testimonials & Success Stories

„The banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely developed and offers the full range of banking services. In conjunction with the Central Bank of BiH, this creates a sound base for the financial stability of the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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