FIPA Activities



The representatives of FIPA for the region of Herzegovina organized on 5th April a meeting with the representative of the Municipality of Ravno.

On this occasion, the Municipality Mayor Mr. Andrew Simunovic pointed out that the Municipality of Ravno has many investment opportunities. Advantages of the Municipality are the closeness to the Adriatic Sea and Dubrovnik, favourable price of the property, provided infrastructure, fertile soil of Popov field (area of 180 km2), whose agricultural potential should be one of the largest in the State.

As he emphasized, the numerous potential projects are planned according to the Strategy of the Municipality Development, such as tourist projects (tourist affirmation of the cave Vjetrenica, mountain bike, rural village with view on sea, golf grounds), exploitation of decorative and building stone, building of the processing capacities for agricultural products, construction of the winery, organic agricultural production (fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry and agriculture), storage facilities for all types of products, building the capacity of the renewable energy sources (wind and solar power collectors).

It should be noted that all documents related to spatial planning are adopted and interested investors can realize all necessary documentation within one month after the request submission.

On this occasion, the FIPA representatives also visited the cave Vjetrenica, which is a protected natural monument.

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