FIPA Activities

FIPA and the FBiH Chamber of Commerce: Joint work on the promotion of BiH's potential for investment


Acting Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA), Marko Kubatlija, together with his colleagues, talked with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirsad Jašarspahić, about the possibility for cooperation in promoting Bosnia and Herzegovina's investment potentials during 2024.

On this occasion, it was emphasized that the institutions rely on each other in their work, that they share common goals, and that they will make additional efforts in order to achieve concrete results.

Considering that the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including Brčko District, have their own operational bodies for work on attracting foreign investment, FIPA will organize meetings in the coming period to plan joint activities in the field of promoting investment opportunities, and expand cooperation to mutual satisfaction.

The possibility of joint participation in economic events abroad during this year was also considered.

Testimonials & Success Stories
During his official visit to Sarajevo, Mlađan Dinkić, Vice-president of the Government of Republic of Serbia, which already invested € 832 million in our country, emphasized huge potentials and investment opportunities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluding in an interview:
„It is worthwhile to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina“
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