FIPA Activities

Matching of businessmen from BiH and Indonesia


The 5th Business Matching of businessmen from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Indonesia was held in Sarajevo, organized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The gathering was attended by representatives of the Embassy, ​​the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia, FIPA, the FBiH Chamber of Commerce, representatives of companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and, through the ZOOM application, representatives of companies from Indonesia.

The Indonesian Ambassador Roem Kono stated at the opening of the conference that the Government of his country has always supported the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries, and that from May 2022, the BiH nationals can visit Indonesia with a visa on arrival.

The focus of this activity is the promotion of trade, especially food, drink, coffee, spices, cosmetics, herbs, wood, fashion, as well as leading products such as paper, palm oil, fats and charcoal.

The Ambassador Kono also called on the business communities in Indonesia and BiH to strengthen the supply chain and trade.

The representative of FIPA, Slavica Korica, presented the Agency and the services it provides to investors, informed the meeting participants about the conditions and possibilities of investments in BiH, as well as about existing investment projects and locations.

After this part, there were presentations of companies from BiH and Indonesia and a discussion about the possibilities of their cooperation.

During discussion with Mr Kono and the economic advisor at the Embassy of Indonesia, Mr. Yudhon Irawan, after the official part of the conference, it was agreed to continue the successful cooperation between FIPA and the Embassy.

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”The representatives of IMF on this occasion expressed pleasure in regard to stability of BiH financial sector and this year's growth of macro-economic indicators and curbing of inflation.”
IMF Delegation
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