FIPA Activities

Investors from Kuwait visited FIPA


Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Milica Markovic had a meeting with representatives of the Kuwait-Bosnian Business Council

Kuwaiti investors, already active in BiH, pointed out that investors from Kuwait would like to invest more in BiH, but business environment should be more simplified. They talked about their experience and difficulties they had faced, from the business registration process until the realization of their projects. They emphasized tax system in the country and residence permits for foreigners as the most significant problems.

Director Markovic informed the guests about the jurisdiction of the different levels of governments in BiH and that FIPA will work on proposing measures in order to improve business environment and make BiH more competitive investment destination.

Kuwaiti investors have shown interest for some investment projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it was agreed that they will send the letters of intent to FIPA-a for the implementation of some projects . Director Markovic pointed out that after that, FIPA will provide all support, especially in the most adequate investment location selecting process and in organization of meetings with the relevant authorities.

Cooperation in the organization of the Kuwait-Bosnia and Herzegovina Fair has been agreed too. 

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„There is great interest for investment in infrastructure and energy projects in BiH“
Alessandro Profumo, Director of UniCredit Group.
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