FIPA Activities

FIPA presentations at a Business forum and meetings of BiH and Saudi businessmen


FIPA representatives Nina Pobrić and Dika Mustafić had presentations on investment potential and legal framework for foreign investors in BiH as part of a Business forum and business meeting between BiH and Saudi Arabia, held on September 25, 2019 in Sarajevo.

The Business Forum was an opportunity to enhance investment and economic cooperation between the two countries.

In December 2018, Saudi Arabia was at 13th position on the list of countries of the most significant investors in BiH with a total inflow of investments amounting to BAM 281.7 million.

Representatives of the Business Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stressed out that the cooperation between the two countries could be at a much higher level than the current one. For this reason, FIPA representatives presented BiH's key benefits for foreign investors, attractive sectors, and available projects, services provided by the Agency, business start-up procedures, post-investment support and other topics of interest to Saudi businessmen.

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“Bosnia and Herzegovina is a place where businessmen from the West make contacts with those from the East. Bosnia is a heart of Europe and an ideal place for connecting people”.

Wernwr Albeseder, president of consulting company "Prime" from Austria.

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