FIPA Activities

Romanian business delegation to FIPA



Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency Gordan Milinić spoke with a business delegation from Romania, led by President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Prahova Aurelian Gogulescu on the possibility for economic cooperation between the two countries, with a focus on foreign investments.

Mr Milinić met the Romanian delegation on the activities and responsibilities of the Agency, and generally on cooperation with foreign investors, the support it provides in the investment process, and after the investment has been completed.

At the meeting, Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two institutions with the aim to connect entrepreneurs, establish partnerships, strengthen economic cooperation and increase investments.

Total amount of Romanian investments in BiH amount to 3.4 million BAM, and the most important Romanian companies in BiH are engaged in services, production and trade.

The Romanian delegation was represented by businessmen from the fields of metal industry, tourism, production of mining equipment, marketing services and printing, etc.

FIPA has been successfully cooperating with the Prahova Chamber of Commerce for several years now. In 2017, the Second Business Forum in Romania was held where the representative of FIPA, in the presence of Romanian businessmen, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Romania, had a presentation on investment opportunities for investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result of that presentation, it was organized today's visit of the Romanian delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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„Stable KM and low inflation are important elements for macroeconomic stability and for continues increase of foreign investments in the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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