FIPA Activities

Success stories that must be supported - Zeraa Agriculture Investment Ltd Sarajevo


As part of the implementation of the Aftercare Program in 2019, the post-investment support to foreign investors in BiH, the representatives of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) visited the company with 100% foreign capital "Zeraa Agriculture Investment Ltd Sarajevo".

With the company's Director Damir Ferović and the Head of the Legal Service Adnan Sarajlić, it was discussed about the coming of this significant investor from UAE to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the business processes and challenges that they are facing.

So far, the company has invested 60 million BAM in the undertaken local companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnaplod Ltd Brčko distrikt BiH and Hepok dd Mostar. After investing funds, these two companies have experienced flourishing, thus enabling the preservation of the reputation and brand of local autochthonous varieties for future generations. With great contribution to employment, they are participating in projects that lead to poverty reduction, strengthening the role of domestic co-operatives, preserving and strengthening BiH brands and contributing to recognition of BiH as a competitive country for investments.

However, they face many challenges and administrative obstacles in their business.

The competent authorities in BiH should react and make additional efforts to preserve this direct investment, the company - respectable global player and enable it to operate smoothly and successfully for the benefit of the citizens and the economy of BiH.

Testimonials & Success Stories
„The fact is that Bosnia and Herzegovina has the potential to be one of the most competitive economies in Southeast Europe“.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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