FIPA Activities

Foreign investors are interested in investing in Herzegovina


The Centre for Investment and Development of Entrepreneurship (CIRP) Mostar, in cooperation with the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA), organized the conference "Investment potential of Herzegovina" within the International Fair of Economy Mostar in 2018.

The aim of the conference was to present the investment opportunities and potentials of the Herzegovina region to domestic and foreign investors and to promote Herzegovina as an investment destination.

The conference was opened by the mayor of Mostar Ljubo Bešlić, who pointed out that Aluminij is the largest producer in Mostar, while the main holders of the economic activities are agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises, and tourism with a constant growth trend, especially in the field of agro and ecological tourism.

The Deputy Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) in BiH, Damirka Mioč, said that the main objective is to present the natural, material and human potentials of the Herzegovina region, assessing that this region abounds with significant energy, tourism and agricultural capacities that could be improved by such conferences where are connected foreign and domestic businesspeople.

Amir Kazić, Regional Representative of FIPA in Mostar, had a presentation on the topic "Why invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Herzegovina as an attractive destination for investments.

For the Mayor of the Municipality of Čapljina, Smiljan Vidić, the main problem is that very often competencies overlap, and it doesn’t know who is managing a facility, which makes difficult the realization of the business idea.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to BiH, HE Ivan Del Vechio, said that not only the potentials of Herzegovina, but of the entire BiH, are interesting for Croatia, emphasizing that it is about several key areas such as road and communication infrastructure, energy infrastructure, transport, agriculture and tourism.

The conference brought together a large number of businesspeople and government representatives from Herzegovina, investors and foreign guests from India, China, Jordan, Switzerland, Turkey, and its sponsors were the City of Mostar, the West Herzegovina Canton and Feal d.o.o.


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„It is time for investing in infrastructure, in telecommunications and the energy sector through the association of private and public sectors“.
Dr.Werner Weichs-Raabl, Head of Infrastructure and Public Sectors of Erste Group Bank.
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