FIPA Activities




According to the preliminary data published by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina on foreign investments in the first nine months of 2017, the inflow of investments reached the amount of 630.8 million BAM, which represents an increase of 60.6% compared to the same period last year.

This is a record amount in the last few years, when there was decline in foreign investment.  A growth is expected for the fourth quarter of 2017, given the positive trends and growth of investments in the first three quarters of the year. 

With a wide range of promotional activities that the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH is implementing on attracting foreign investments in BiH, it is particularly important that FIPA owns over 7,000 contacts of foreign investors with whom it is in constant communication and invites them to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The entry of FIPA into the Steering Board of WAIPA represents a great importance for the promotion of the country, which also means better access to foreign investors and significant promotion of the country in all investment conferences.

The increase in investments is the result of the joint work of the competent institutions in BiH to attract foreign investments and to improve the country's business opportunities, to promote investment opportunities, and to provide support to foreign investors in BiH.

In 2017, FIPA started very decisively and pragmatically in order to achieve as much contact with potential foreign investors, companies and associations of employers abroad, either through individual work, either through cooperation with competent institutions, foreign Embassies and Economic Representations in BiH in order to try to motivate foreign investors to invest money in our country.

It is important to continue working to improve the political and economic conditions in the country, to improve the economic environment, ie to implement the necessary reforms, which will remove obstacles to both domestic and foreign investors for their expansion and business on a larger scale, which automatically contributes to improving the image and the competitiveness of the country, brings new investments and new jobs.

A high percentage of unemployed people and the low standard of living of citizens create an imperative for the implementation of the necessary reforms that will enable the arrival of foreign investors that BiH needs due to the lack of domestic funds to launch a significant investment cycle.

FIPA emphasizes that foreign investors insist on a stable political situation and security for the invested capital, so it is very important to show, in the following period, political unity in the efforts for economic progress of the country, because without such commitment, FIPA or any other institution will not be able to bring investors in a greater number.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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