FIPA Activities

FIPA brings about 40 Chinese companies to Bosnia and Herzegovina


At a meeting with representatives of the city of Ningbo, China, the FIPA Director Gordan Milinić arranged a visit of 40 Chinese companies to Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2017

The Director of the Cross-Border Investments Sector of Ningbo's Mr Pan Yingming and the FIPA Director Gordan Milinić concluded that there is unused potential for improving cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ningbo in sectors of metal processing, food production, wood processing, energy, including IT sector, and that it is necessary to intensify contacts, which will be realized by visit of 40 Chinese companies to BiH in October this year.

Ningbo, a city with over 7 million inhabitants, has 160,000 private companies, out of which 21 are on the list of 500 leading private companies in China, and more than 360,000 smaller family businesses. In 2013 it was declared as one of the most attractive destinations for investing in China, but also one of the most active cities in the expansion of business abroad. It is also among the leading cities in number of industrial and duty-free zones. The private sector participates with 80% in the Ningbo's total gross domestic product and covers 85% of job places.

During the visit of businessmen from Ningbo, FIPA will prepare presentations on attractive investment projects, meetings with relevant ministries at all levels of governments and projects owners, and will organize visits to possible locations for investing.

A visit of the Chinese business delegation of the city of Ningbo will be the first visit sectorial and project-systemically organized visit of an economic delegation from China, which will be focused on concrete investment and export-oriented projects and cooperation arrangements.

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„There are many reasons why investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attractive option for foreign companies. I believe it should be that investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a clever way of investing in Southeast Europe.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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