FIPA Activities

Meeting of FIPA and CBBiH


The Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordan Milinić with his associates and a member of the FIPA Board visited the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the meeting, Mr Milinić informed the Governor PhD Senad Softić and his associates of the Agency's activities in the field of attracting foreign investors and the support that the Agency provides to investors since starting-up until the project implementation. He stressed that the main objectives of FIPA are to bring as much as possible of foreign investors and more important increase of foreign investments. Therefore, the Agency has intensified its work and launched activities in order to make Bosnia and Herzegovina a better place for a safe investment.

The Governor Softić stressed the importance of improving cooperation among all institutions to improve the inflow of foreign investments and to promote Bosnia and Herzegovina as a destination of interest to foreign investors. It is stressed out the importance of involving all relevant parties in presenting data that influence the creation of the overall image of BiH and that serve as an indicator when making investment decisions.

It was talked on comprehensive statistics managed by the Central Bank of BiH, as one of the important duties, especially statistics of direct foreign investments, which occupies an important place in the activities of FIPA. The Agency was informed about the advanced statistics related to foreign investments and it was agreed to exchange data in continuing the good cooperation between the two institutions.

Taking into account the downward trend in foreign investments in BiH in recent years, participants at the meeting agreed that attracting foreign investment is an important task for all institutions of BiH.


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„There are many reasons why investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attractive option for foreign companies. I believe it should be that investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a clever way of investing in Southeast Europe.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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