FIPA Activities

BiH wine at famous fair in Tokyo


4 kinds of BiH wine from Vino Manastir Tvrdoš (Trebinje) Vranac, Hum Cabernet Sauvignon and from Vinogradi Nuić (Ljubuški) Blatina Quality, Žilavka Quality were presented and sold at 89th World Liquor and Cheese Festival, very famous wine fair in Tokyo, which was held from 6 to 12 April. More than 900 kinds of wine from the world were exhibited and sold at high-grade department store named DAIMARU, same like Harrods in London, U.K.
Japanese consumers enjoyed tasting BiH wine and they were very surprised with its high quality, especially, Vino Manastir Tvrdoš Vranac and Vinogradi Nuić Blatina Quality.

The FIPA Country Representative in Japan Shigehiko Nishihama supported this fair to introduce the BiH wine to Japanese consumers directly.

From January 2014, for the first time, BiH started exporting wine to Japan. For having these results, Mr. Nishihama made important efforts.

Japanese import company named M & P Corporation from Tokyo decided to import total 9 kinds of the BiH wine (6 Red, 3 White) from 2 wineries Vinograd Nuić and Vino Manastir Tvrdoš. These 9 kinds of the BiH wine are being sold at stores and on the Web-site shopping mall in Japan, for example, as follows;

Consumers of Japanese market are satisfied with high quality of BiH wine and enjoyed tasting special original grape, Blatina, Žilavka and Vranac.

The FIPA Country Representative in Japan had good relations with local wineries more than 10 years. He visited their wineries and promoted the quality of BiH wine to Japanese. It takes long years but finally he succeeded to find trustworthy reliable Japanese importer for BiH wine. 

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„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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