FIPA Activities

Presentation of the FIPA Agency for representatives of the Anatolian Businessmen Association from Turkey (ASKON)


The Chember of Commerce of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized on 16 October 2015 in Sarajevo a presentation of investment potentials with the focus on metal-processing sector of BiH for representatives of Anatolian Businessmen Association from Turkey (ASKON).

On that occasion, Nina Pobrić, Head of the Investment Promotion Department at FIPA, had a presentation on investment potentials of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

She stressed that the most important reasons for investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the following ones:

-Strategic location
-Available natural resources and beauties
-Long tradition in different industry branches
-Abundance of industrial zone, attractive sites and available production facilities
-Favorable legal environment
-Low tax rates
-Highly educated and price competitive labor force
-Stable domestic currency BAM pegged to EURO
-Regional and bilateral Free Trade Agreements
-EU perspective

Testimonials & Success Stories

„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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