FIPA Activities

The meeting of representatives of institutions in BiH on guidelines related to the organization of the BiH economic forums abroad in 2016


On 14 October 2015 at the headquarter of the FIPA Agency, it was held a meeting of representatives of the competent institutions of BiH : the Presidency of BiH, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, the FIPA Agency, the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, the Office of the Government of FBiH, the Office of the District Brčko at the Council of Ministers of BiH relating to the preparation, coordination and organization of investment and trade forums of BiH abroad in 2016.

At the meeting, it was pointed out that it is necessary to define the common guidelines for the organization of the above forums, to determine the role of each of the institutions in this process, and to determine the target countries for the presentation of the BiH economic opportunities. The goal is to have a joint presentation of the BiH institutions in the countries of interest in order to avoid the possibility of poor attendance of the event due to the lack of coordination and short deadlines for organizing forums.

Considering that the organization of such meetings takes certain time, at the meeting, it was presented the possibility for joint organizing between four and six forums per year. It was also stressed the need to inform lower levels of government on such events and to involve them into organization and participation, which has not been the case.

On several occasions earlier, within the round tables and similar meetings, representatives of the lower levels of government, such as municipal, emphasized the fact that they were never informed about the organization of the forum abroad neither invited to participate in.

The meeting participants concluded that in the period to come they are going to choose the target countries for the presentation, the economic sectors and investment projects that would be presented, to consider the role of Diplomatic-Consular Representation network in organizing such events, and to adopt guidelines for the organization by the end of December 2015.

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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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