FIPA Activities

Visit to the businesspeople in Lukavac and Tuzla


FIPA representatives and USAID-SIDA Gold Project visited companies FEN BH Ltd Lukavac, representing a German investment, the European university "Kallos" representing an Austria investment, and the company Tuzlamet Lukavac. During the meeting it was discussed the companies’ results, as well as the difficulties that entrepreneurs face.

At a meeting in Lukavac, it was stressed that it needs to provide a better state aid and understanding during natural disasters, such as last year's, especially for companies like FEN BH Ltd doo Lukavac. The company was recovered at high speed only thanks to the hard work of the founders and the management after last year's disasters and it gradually establishes production to the ones from the period before the flood. However, it will still take 4-5 years to regain profits.

This company is a great example of how with the good management and the desire of the founder, who is been operating in BiH since 1997, all difficulties can be overcome and business activities can be successful. The State should find a way, as said the founder, to recognize these representatives as the best promoters of the country.

From the European University "Kallos" the representatives pointed out that they are satisfied with cooperation with local authorities in Tuzla, and that they get full support during the institution establishment. However, they faced a lot of difficulties when establishing the institution, as a separate legal entity, in Brčko.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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