FIPA Activities

Visit to the company Yavuz Ltd Živinice


Representatives of the FIPA Agency, together with representatives of the Municipality of Živinice, Tuzla Canton Ms. Erna Sulejmanović and representative of USAID-Sida GOLD Project Mr. Jasmin Adilović visited the company Yavuz Ltd Živinice where they met with the Director Mr. Mustafa Yavuz.

Yavuz Ltd Živinice is a Turkish investment producing PVC joinery. The company was opened in 2005 and has 80 employees in Živinice out of which two foreign citizens.

They are very satisfied with capable and qualified workforce in BiH, and the main export markets are Serbia and Italy. Raw materials with which they work, they buy mainly in BiH. In addition to Živinice, they operate in Srebrenik, and soon in Brčko.

The meeting was held within the Programme of Post-Investment Support to Foreign Investors in BiH (Aftercare).

Testimonials & Success Stories

„The Heidelberg Cement Group has invested more than € 60 million in modern technology in BiH and an additional € 50 million are earmarked for further ventures, which shows our immense confidence in the BiH economy and its potential for sustainable growth. Our goal is to continue to grow and to expand our market.”
Branimir Muidza, Heidelberg Cement Country Manager for BiH

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