FIPA Activities

Visit to the company VITA-LIFE Ltd Visoko


Representatives of the FIPA Agency, together with representatives of the Municipality of Visoko Ms. Dženita Begić and Mr. Mugdim Ćosović visited the company VITA-LIFE Ltd where they met with the Director Mr. Avdo Kljako and the Manager of Marketing and Sales Mr. Malik Čabaravdić.

VITA LIFE Ltd is producing instant drinks and coffee and has a total of 22 employees. It was created in 2006 in BiH as foreign investment through joint venture with a US partner. The management is satisfied with the business environment in BiH.

Compared to other transition countries, the management considers Bosnia and Herzegovina as a competitive destination for investments, considering that there is a quality, educated and creative workforce.

In the last four years they have been successfully implemented significant investments in the infrastructure with a steady increase in production annually by 50%, and in the coming period they plan new projects.

The company has quality infrastructure and human resources for the realization of new projects in the production and in processing of food products and they are willing to cooperate with partners who have a good position and market access for the placement of food products.

The meeting was held within the Programme of Post-Investment Support to Foreign Investors in BiH (Aftercare).

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„The fact is that Bosnia and Herzegovina has the potential to be one of the most competitive economies in Southeast Europe“.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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