FIPA Activities

Director of the FIPA Agency received the President of the Association of Importers of the Republic of Korea


On 6 March 2015 in Sarajevo, the Director of the FIPA Agency Jelica Grujić with her associates had a meeting with Mr. Taeyoung Thomas Shinn, President of the Association of Importers of the Republic of Korea and the owner of the company Hanshinn Internacional, and Sung-hoon Kang, Director of Hanshinn Internacional.

The FIPA representatives informed the attendees about the possibilities of investment in BiH, the sectors that might be of interest to investors from the Republic of Korea, on trade prospects, etc.

The meeting was also attended by Enes Aliskovic, Director of the Export Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who informed the guests about the possibilities of foreign trade.

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„There are many reasons why investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attractive option for foreign companies. I believe it should be that investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a clever way of investing in Southeast Europe.
Valentin Inzko, High Representative.
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