FIPA Activities

Conference of BiH and Austrian entrepreneurs is being held today in Vienna


Representatives of more than 70 Austrian and 29 BiH companies are participating in the economic conference which is being held today, 27 January, in Vienna.

The BiH participants come from the metal processing sector, the sector of furniture manufacturing and food, and from the construction sector.

Among the registered firms are those that deal with international transportation, publishing, production of packaging, production of textile products, flooring, energy, forestry, and the production of cleaning products and electrical equipment.

In addition to businesspeople, the BiH delegation includes representatives of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH (VTK), the BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA), as well as the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria Tanja Milašinović-Martinovic.

Investment opportunities and demands of the BiH companies will be presented at the conference.

The initiative for this conference came after catastrophic floods that hit Bosnia and Herzegovina in May last year in order to assist companies from the flooded areas.

The conference is organized by the BiH Foreign Trade Chamber in cooperation with the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria and Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„Stable KM and low inflation are important elements for macroeconomic stability and for continues increase of foreign investments in the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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