FIPA Activities

FIPA Representative Nina Pobrić participated in a panel discussion: "The importance of attracting investments for local communities" within the BEAR Investment Conference


Municipalities of Teslić, Tešanj and Žepče organized the BEAR Investment Conference on 4 September 2014, in Sarajevo, with the aim to present investment potentials and the economy’s possibilities.

Within the conference, the representative of FIPA Nina Pobrić participated in a panel discussion: "The importance of attracting investments for local communities" where it was discussed the importance of attracting and retaining the existing potential foreign investors, the business environment in BiH, successful examples, activities and cooperation between FIPA and municipalities Tešanj, Teslić and Žepče on attracting foreign investment.

BEAR represents Business Excellence Area of Teslić, Tešanj and Žepče - three local communities with extremely dynamic private sector.

The BEAR development initiative was launched in September 2013 under the project of inter-municipal cooperation. Three municipalities have seen their opportunity through mutual cooperation on the economic plan to attract more investment, create more jobs and support further economic progress.

FDI magazine of Financial Times, the leading magazine in Europe for foreign direct investment, has chosen BEAR area among the top 10 investment destinations in Europe, according to the criteria of profitability for investors (2014/15). The place on top of the list of European cities and regions of the future is an excellent recommendation for investing in Teslić, Tešanj and Žepče.

The event brought together entrepreneurs and investors of BiH, representatives of embassies and international organizations, foreign chambers of commerce in BiH, experts in entrepreneurship and economy, representatives of diaspora, business associations and institutions of BiH.

The organization of the event was supported by GIZ and AHK (Representation of the German economy) in BiH.

For more information about the BEAR initiative of Teslić, Tešanj and Žepče visit

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„Stable KM and low inflation are important elements for macroeconomic stability and for continues increase of foreign investments in the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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