FIPA Activities

FIPA organized a round table "Problem of the Non-Existence of Legal Landfill for Industrial Waste of Organic Origin in BiH"


On 10th December 2013 in Sarajevo, in the Parliamentary Assembly of BIH, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BIH (FIPA) organized a round table "Problem of the Non-Existence of Legal Landfill for Industrial Waste of Organic Origin in BiH".

The round table was organized in order to propose from the point of view of science and profession concrete legal solutions that will regulate this field in BiH with the aim to reduce the risk to human health and the environment, and create a favourable environment for companies operating in the food industry and the textile and leather. The confirmation of conformity of legislation with the EU legislation has a positive impact on the image of investment location, making thus easier attraction of other investments. In addition, the regulation of this area is one of the requirements on the road to the EU accession

Bosnia and Herzegovina has potential and real opportunities for increasing investments in the food sector and the sector of leather processing, and the goal is to enable enterprises smooth operation and further expansion, which automatically implies an increase in the number of employees.

It should be mentioned that the method of disposal of animal waste in accordance with the EU requirements is one of the requirements for registration of facilities from meat processing industry for export to the European market.

The largest part of the produced waste in BiH is deposited on the uncontrolled landfills without using any technological measures of sanitary disposal. Treatment of animal waste under veterinary-health principles and under the principles of veterinary protection of the environment is not in compliance with applicable regulations and standards of the EU.

The neighbouring countries have the so-called factory with zero degree of pollution, considering that all waste is being utilized in a positive purpose. Final products: technical fat and meat and bone meal will be used as fuels, and waste water will be purified to a level of quality of the river water.

Although objections and requests for assistance in solving this problem were initiated by companies from the food sector and sectors which are engaged in the processing of leather, solving this problem will have multiple positive effects.

Conclusions of the round table are:

1. Participants pointed out that the existence of the unresolved issue of the treatment of organic waste creates a burden to both investors and population

2. Solving this issue will have a significant impact on improving the business environment especially for the food processing sector and the leather processing sector

3. It is necessary is to review the available documents (strategies, programs, regulations) that treat with organic waste management at all levels and to create a legal and institutional framework to adequately resolve this issue.

4. Coordination of all competent institutions is the key to finding appropriate solutions.

5. Necessary steps in solving this issue is to develop projects that will treat organic waste as raw material in the generation of efficient and sustainable profits, as well as the selection of the most appropriate location for this purpose.

6. To use experience of the neighbouring countries as an example for finding solutions.

Speakers at the roundtable on the waste problems in BiH, on needs to adopt legislation that will regulate this area and what the introduction of integrated waste management means for the economy of BiH were Jelica Grujic, director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BIH (FIPA), Nermina Skejovic-Huric, Advisor for Programs and Projects of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mehmed Cero, Minister Assistant in the Department for the Environment of the FBiH Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Selma Masnic, Investments & Environmental Manager at Prevent BH, Tomaz Znidaric, Director of Dukat BH, Tomi Rumpf, Director of Perutnina Ptuj d.o.o. Srbac, and others.

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