FIPA Activities

Visit to the TRD dd Vares company


The FIPA representative Nina Pobric, the representative of Federal Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mining Eldara Sose and representatives of Zenica-Doboj Canton Edina Islamovic and Osman Buza visited on 19th September 2013 the company TRD dd Vares.

On this occasion, with the general manager Ms. Selvedina Gondzo and commercial director Mr. Edin Hasanagic, it was discussed about the experience of doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina, obstacles and problems faced by the company in BIH and their future plans.

TRD as an Italian investment currently has 160 employees.

TRD's ambitions are focused on maintaining the existing level of employment, but it is also considering opening another plant.

The visit was carried out within the Aftercare Program for 2013 through a network of cooperation for post-investment support to foreign investors in BIH.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„The banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely developed and offers the full range of banking services. In conjunction with the Central Bank of BiH, this creates a sound base for the financial stability of the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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