FIPA Activities

Visit of FIPA to the Municipality of Zavidovici


The FIPA representatives Dika Mustafic and Adriana Maric on 24th April visited the Municipality of Zavidovici and had a meeting with the mayor Suad Omerasevic.

The meeting was focused on possibilities of establishing closer cooperation between FIPA and the Municipality in order to promote investment potentials and projects of Zavidovici to foreign investors.

When it comes to the economic activity, Zavidovici is known as the seat of the "Krivaja" former leader in the timber industry with a tradition of 128 years. “Krivaja” is currently under bankruptcy and it is expected that the sale of assets to a domestic or foreign investor, will contribute to the company to continue again its activities.

Potential investors have the option of investing in three business areas in the Municipality: Ekonomija-Batvice, Majdanska polja and Krivaja.

Foreign investors who have already recognized the possibility of a successful business in Zavidovici are companies: TTI from the Netherlands that is producing wood stoves and fireplaces, and the company Cividale BH from Italy which is producing metal parts.

According to the mayor, except wood and metal sector, thanks to the vast areas of arable land, water courses, resorts and interesting caves, Zavidovici have large and still underutilized potential for the development of agriculture and tourism.

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