FIPA Activities

Meeting of FIPA representative with Prime Minister of Zenica-Doboj Canton


Within cooperation of FIPA with representatives of the authorities in B&H on improving business environment in the country and increasing the flux of foreign investments, the FIPA representative Maida Becirovic met on 5th March 2013 with the Prime Minister of Zenica-Doboj Canton Mr Fikret Plevljak.

At the meeting it was discussed on intensification of the cooperation between FIPA and the Governement of the Canton on activities which have to be undertaken in order to be more attractive for foreign investors and to increase the flux of foreign investments. On this occasion, it was pointed out that the Zenica-Doboj Canton has sufficient number of the investment projects that FIPA will promote in the period to come.

The Prime Minister announced on this occasion his participation at the round table/conference “Foreign Investors in better business environment – contribution of the sector of justice” which will be organized by FIPA in cooperation with USAID on 20th March 2013 in hotel Bristol in Sarajevo.

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