FIPA Activities



The Mayor of the Municipality of Berkovici Ranko Lucic and Mr. Luciano V. Palusci as the vice-president of LINK-Cirsam Consortium signed on 26. july 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding in order to use agricultural land for production of oil seed rape, exploitation of biomass for power generation and construction of photovoltaic plants on the unproductive land of the Municipality of Berkovici.

The first phase would be the production of biomass for power generation or the production of oil seed rape. The second phase would include construction of photovoltaic plants on unproductive land of the Municipality.

Consortiums Link is a public-private consortium formed in accordance with Italian law.

We wish to note that the representative of the FIPA office in Mostar Amir Kazic made ​​contact with Mr. Palusci at Mostar’s Fair in April 2012, since the Italian firm was in constant touch with the FIPA office.

Since then, Mr. Kazic has organized a important number of meetings for the Italian investor and his associates with private firms and official institutions in B&H.
Therefore, we would like to emphasize that signing of the Memorandum makes the result of the activities of Mr. Kazić and FIPA.

Testimonials & Success Stories
During his official visit to Sarajevo, Mlađan Dinkić, Vice-president of the Government of Republic of Serbia, which already invested € 832 million in our country, emphasized huge potentials and investment opportunities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluding in an interview:
„It is worthwhile to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina“
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