FIPA Activities

The newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia for Bosnia and Herzegovina visited FIPA


Acting Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA), Marko Kubatlija, received the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia for Bosnia and Herzegovina, based in Prague, H.E. Elite Kuzma.

At the meeting, they discussed the possibilities for improving economic cooperation between the two countries, given that cooperation in the field of trade and investment so far is at a low level, as well as the expected opening of accession negotiations with the European Union, which are expected in March.

The Ambassador spoke about the path of economic development of Latvia from gaining independence to joining the European Union, and its achievements in economic and technological development in many economic branches so far.

She pointed out that Latvia's economy is diverse, that the GDP of the country rests on highly developed economic branches such as: ICT industry, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, logistics and transport sector, automotive industry, emphasizing the very rich industrial heritage of the country.

She was interested in the EU perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the potential that our country possesses in the context of attracting investments, and expectations from the opening of negotiations with the European Union.

Mr. Kubatlija informed the Ambassador about the activities of FIPA, the sectors that Bosnia and Herzegovina offers to foreign investors as interesting for foreign investments, pointing out that the friendly relations between the two countries can contribute to the deepening of economic cooperation, which FIPA will focus on in the following period within of their competences.


Testimonials & Success Stories
During his official visit to Sarajevo, Mlađan Dinkić, Vice-president of the Government of Republic of Serbia, which already invested € 832 million in our country, emphasized huge potentials and investment opportunities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluding in an interview:
„It is worthwhile to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina“
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