FIPA Activities

FIPA presented investment opportunities at the 27th WAIPA World Investment Conference


Participating at the panel called IPA-Investor Connect, as part of the 27th World Investment Conference of WAIPA, which is being held in New Delhi from December 11 to 14, 2023, the Assistant Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA) Slavica Korica presented investment opportunities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a special focus on investment opportunities in the energy sector.

The business environment, legal framework, benefits for investors and existing investment projects were also presented on this occasion.

 After the presentation, meetings were held with potential foreign investors from several countries.


Testimonials & Success Stories
“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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