FIPA Activities

FIPA representatives at the opening ceremony of the new plant of the Japanese company Tsubaki-Nakashima


The FIPA representatives Nina Pobrić and Stipo Djak attended the opening ceremony of the new facility of the Japanese company Tsubaki-Nakashima (TN) in Konjic on April 5.
The production facility covers an area of 10,000 square meters in the industrial zone, will employ 330 workers, while the value of the investment is about 50 million BAM. The project is of great importance for the local community and young people who will have the opportunity to work for a such company, which is 100% export-oriented. They export their products on all continents. TN Bosnia Konjic is the first Japanese company in BiH. It is engaged in the production of conical rollers and bearings, indispensable components for the automotive industry and railways. It was founded in 1984, and in recent years it was owned by the company NN inc from the USA. In 2017, Japan-based company Tsubaki-Nakashima took over the mentioned company in Konjic.
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„I must say I am extremely impressed with the quality, efficiency and speed
of FIPA’s service. It is a shining example to other government departments in the region.”

Claudio Cassuto, Director, London, European Finance Convention Foundation

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