FIPA Activities

Visit to the construction site of the wind farm Ivovik


Representatives of the Foreign Investment Agency Promotion in Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA), led by director Milica Marković, visited the construction site of the Ivovik wind park in Livno.

The General director of the company Ivovik doo Mr. Xiao Xin presented a project with a power of 84 MW – 20 turbines x 4.2 MW, which will cost 133 million EUR in full implementation.

43 million BAM marks have been invested so far, and 60 workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been employed, while 100 people will be employed by the end of the project.

The company has all the necessary environmental, urban and construction permits, as well as all permits related to the production of electricity, while the concession was issued for a period of 30 years.

During the visit, the assembly of the first turbine was carried out, and the foundations for the others were laid.

This is the first major investment by a Chinese company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, given that they are present as contractors on many projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

FIPA follows this project from the beginning and provides the necessary support on the way to its realization.

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Dr.Werner Weichs-Raabl, Head of Infrastructure and Public Sectors of Erste Group Bank.
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