FIPA Activities

Meeting: FIPA-FIA


The FIPA representatives visited the Financial Information Agency (FIA) and talked with the director Irma Borovac about the role of this Agency in the registration of companies, as well as within the business operations of companies.

During the meeting, it was pointed out that it would be desirable for the FIA to be involved directly in the process of registration of companies, in obtaining statistical and tax numbers (as far as the current Law on Registration of Companies of FBiH allows).

It was also pointed out that an initiative should be launched to amend the Law on Registration of Companies of FBiH, so that the FIA would have a similar role as Intermediary Agency for IT and Financial Services (APIF) in RS, ie to enable it by amendments to the Law to be able to register companies along with lawyers and to take over the role of One stop shop.

FIA has certain prerequisites such as a network of business units and human resources.


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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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