FIPA Activities



- UAE ranked at the 15th position in the list of investor countries in BiH

Organized by the Embassy of BiH in the UAE, led by Ambassador Šefik Mujkanović, a delegation of businessmen from UAE and Oman led by Sheik Mussallim Bin Salem Bin Ham, owner of Bin Ham Group, visited the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) to get information on conditions and investment opportunities in our country.

Founded 43 years ago, Bin Ham Group operates in the oil, energy, electronics and mechanics, construction, as well as agriculture and tourism sectors and employs a large number of workers. Since it plans to expand its business abroad, BiH has been selected as one of the possible destinations for investing, especially in the area of ​​animal feed production and tourism.

Since this is the first visit of this delegation to our country, the Director Gordan Milinić wished businessmen a welcome to BiH, thanked them for their visit, pointing out that investments from the UAE are welcome in BiH.

To get a better picture of business opportunities in BiH, a presentation was held about investment opportunities with a focus on the business environment, the benefits of investing in BiH, attractive sectors such as tourism, energy, metal processing, agriculture and food production, textiles and ICT.

Speaking about foreign investments in BiH, it was pointed out that the UAE is ranked 15th on the list of foreign investors, with 102 million EUR invested so far, and that the most significant investors are Zeraa Investment, Emirates doo and BBI.

Investors were also informed about the steps and conditions for starting a business and establishing a company, the conditions of business, the status of foreign investors, etc.


Testimonials & Success Stories

„The banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely developed and offers the full range of banking services. In conjunction with the Central Bank of BiH, this creates a sound base for the financial stability of the country.”
Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the Central Bank of BiH

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