FIPA Activities

Workshop on export-oriented business services


The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA) and the MarketMakers Project organize the Workshop on Export-Oriented Business Services (BPO) that will be held on May 13, 2019 in the Hotel Europa Sarajevo.

The BPO sector is one of the fastest growing in Bosnia and Herzegovina with numerous opportunities for additional investments and employment. A special advantage for local communities and the state as a whole is the possibility to reduce the unemployment rate by attracting foreign investment in this sector in a very short period, as the existing and potential investors in the BPO sector need hundreds and thousands of new employees.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has three key advantages for the sector of export-oriented business services: i) good knowledge of foreign languages, especially English and German; ii) the geographical position, time zone and access to the client's market, and iii) the competitive labour price in comparison with Eastern Europe. Although these conditions are enough to attract a "wider interest", they are not enough just to invest, and Bosnia and Herzegovina must work hard to show its long-term competitiveness.

Having in mind the benefits of the BPO sector for the development of local communities and the BiH economy as a whole, the aim of the Workshop is to present the potentials of the sector and what local communities can do to make them more attractive in this segment, reduce unemployment and retain young people, and that representatives of existing investors in the country and the region present their experiences and stories.



Testimonials & Success Stories
„It is time for investing in infrastructure, in telecommunications and the energy sector through the association of private and public sectors“.
Dr.Werner Weichs-Raabl, Head of Infrastructure and Public Sectors of Erste Group Bank.
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