FIPA Activities



-FIPA arranged to organize the event in cooperation with the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce

Within the participation of the FIPA delegation at the FOTEG International Fair in Istanbul, representatives of the FIPA, led by Director Gordan Milinić, and the Consul of BiH in Istanbul, Rabija Mašić, organized a meeting with Senem Cesmecioglu Erdogan, Director of International Relations at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce.

On that occasion, it was agreed to organize an event called Days of BiH in Istanbul, at which the attractive economic sectors, business environment and investment opportunities in BiH for more than 200 Istanbul companies will be presented at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. A special focus will be put on metal processing, the tourist sector and food production.

Ms Erdogan agrees that in addition to good friendly relations, Turkish businessmen do not have the opportunity to find out a more detailed realistic situation when it comes to profitability of business and business opportunities in BiH, and that during the organization of this event, the focus should be placed on competitive and comparative advantages for investing, tax system, infrastructure, investment sites, business operations, etc.

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chambers of commerce in the world, with a registered membership of 450,000 companies.

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“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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