FIPA Activities

The President of the Chamber of Commerce of Carinthia visited FIPA


The Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA) Gordan Milinić spoke with the delegation of the Chamber of Commerce of Carinthia, led by the President Jurgen Mandl, and the Trade Adviser of the Embassy of Austria in BiH Andreas Meindl on the possibilities for investing of Austrian companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the upcoming period.

The Director Milinić informed Austrian businessmen about the trend of foreign investment inflows in BiH, pointing out that Austria is the largest foreign investor in BiH, and that FIPA will make efforts to increase the number of Austrian companies in our country.

Mr Mandl pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce of Carinthia has been cooperating for a number of years with the Chamber of Commerce of Sarajevo Canton, and that a number of companies from the Carinthia region have expressed interest in investing in industrial production in BiH, and that the goal of BiH visit is to explore additional opportunities for their companies.

The representatives of FIPA informed entrepreneurs about the business conditions in BiH, the steps in launching the company, the establishment of business zones, and sectors that could be of interest to Austrian investors.

The Aftercare program has been discussed that FIPA implements in a way to work together with relevant institutions to remove the administrative barriers that foreign firms face in their business in BiH, including several Austrian companies that the Agency helped it in the previous period.

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