FIPA Activities



Within the preparations for the diplomatic mission, the Newly Appointed Ambassador of BiH to Montenegro dr Vinko Radovanović visited the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) to get informed about current investments and economic exchange between the two countries.

The Agency Director Gordan Milinić informed the Ambassador about the work of FIPA on attracting foreign investments, cooperation with foreign investors, finding an appropriate investment project in BiH for investors, and cooperation with relevant institutions in improving the business environment in the country.

The Ambassador is thoroughly informed on the economic potentials that BiH has in all economic sectors that could be of interest to foreign investors, the country's competitive advantages, and the currently available investment projects that FIPA has and offers to investors, about which dr. Radovanović will be able to further inform the Montenegrin economic community and beyond.

The current inflow of investments from Montenegro to BiH amounts to 12 million BAM, and it does not follow a good political, cultural, educational and neighbourly relationship.

Bearing in mind the modest inflow of investments, the Ambassador is expected to establish contacts with the economic associations of Montenegro and other competent institutions that could contribute to increase the inflow of investments as well as the economic exchange of the two countries. Also, the ambassador is expected to offer the BiH projects to foreign investors running business in Montenegro, which is a great opportunity for BiH.

Testimonials & Success Stories
“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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