FIPA Activities

Project owner of Sunnyland and Emirates at FIPA


The owner of projects Sunnyland and Emirates Sheikh Mohammad bin Saqr Al Qasimi, accompanied by his associates, visited FIPA to discuss with the Agency's management about new investments that he is planning to realize in BiH, as well as proposals for cooperation related to establishing a Arab Investments Council in BiH and the organization of the BiH Economy Fair in the UAE in February 2018. He also pointed out as a good business idea investing by participating in equity where it is possible to integrate private and state capital.

He also pointed out as a good business idea investing by participating in share capital where it is possible to integrate private and state capital.

In addition, FIPA was asked to encourage foreign investors to invest not only in Sarajevo but also in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, such as Tuzla, Bihać, Mostar, Banja Luka with the goal to contribute to more balanced development of all parts of BiH.

In terms of tourism, besides investing in the construction of hotels and entertainment facilities, BiH offers opportunities for investing in health tourism, establishing medical institutions, and the construction of sports facilities with the aim to attract sports clubs that would come to BiH for their preparations. Sheikh Al Qasimi pointed out, among other things, that Bosnia and Herzegovina could attract much more investments, including tourists, if it would more work on its promotion, because the investors' experience say that there is very little knowledge about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the world.

Also, when it comes to tourism, it is necessary to work a lot more on its promotion so that BiH attract tourists not only in the summer, but also in other seasons, which is not the case now.

The FIPA Director Gordan Milinić expressed the readiness of the Agency to work closely with the representatives of Sunnyland and Emirates on the realization of new investments and establishing a Arab Investments Council in BiH in order to avoid the possibility of possible abude and misrepresentation, and to know who is the real investor.

FIPA will also provide the necessary support for all other cooperation proposals.


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