FIPA Activities



Within the 13th International Economic Fair-Mostar 2010, FIPA and SIEPA (Foreign Investment and Export Promotion Agency of Serbia) organized the round table called “Industry of Auto-Components of BiH and Serbia” on 14th April.

The round table was organised in order to improve the regional cooperation and to strengthen the position of BiH and Serbia as attractive markets for foreign investors and buyers from the automotive industry sector.

The aim was also to present the achieved level of the products quality of auto-components manufacturers from the both countries and their competition for a partnership with the FIAT factory from Kragujevac in Serbia.

On this occasion, the FIPA representative, Adrijana Marić, had a presentation about the investment opportunities and the auto-components industry of our country.

This event gathered a large number of representatives of the BiH and Serbian auto-components manufacturers.

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„Bosnia has excellent resources for using the wind power and it is one of its chances to attract foreign investments, generate jobs and increase its GDP“.
Joachim Schmidt, Ambassador of Germany in BiH
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