FIPA Activities

FIPA: New investments start in Bosansko Grahovo


The Director of the company Progress Ltd from Novi Sad Aleksandar Radun visited FIPA in order to invest in the municipality of Bosansko Grahovo. Investment is related to the sheep farm with the initial flock of 1,000 sheep of the breed Romanov with the intention of further enlargement of farm to 7,000 and then to 20,000 sheep. The investor will employ 65 workers.

Considering that this is one of the most underdeveloped areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina, coming of investors represents a great opportunity for the local people employment and development of the Municipality and supporting activities.

According to investors, Bosansko Grahovo has ideal conditions for practicing sustainable livestock breeding.

It is also planned to start production of animal feed, and investor is also interested in investing in the sector of tourism and solar and wind energy.

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„There is great interest for investment in infrastructure and energy projects in BiH“
Alessandro Profumo, Director of UniCredit Group.
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